Friday 21 February 2014

My Books Outcome for this Month

I am reading and books passionate, and a book-collecting addict. I mainly enjoy reading in both Arabic and English. Books are unique happiness. I look up books on Goodreads and add them on my to-read shelf. Last month, I checked the shelf to order books, and what I happened to pick were four books that are:

1- The Sins of The Father

This is the second volume of The Clifton Chronicles by Jeffrey Archer. Its first volume is Only Time Will Tell. A very enjoyable and thrilling story that is written in a one uniquely beautiful style. 
Frankly, I got to know the book by coincidence when I was at the bookstore looking for some particular books. I remember I found nothing of what I had in mind, and so I was feeling desperate to buy anything when my eyes fell on Only Time Will Tell. The cover wasn't catchy, at least for me, but, the name was. I hesitated, then decided to buy it finally. I believe I was fortunate.

I've already started reading The Sins of the Father. Luckily, Sir Archer still writes in a bright style as much as he did in his first book. 

2- Best Kept Secret

The third volume of the Clifton Chronicles

3- The Time Keeper

I knew about this book through my Twitter feed; one of the persons whom I follow posted a photo of new books she recently bought, and The Time Keeper was among them. I thought I love anything to do with time. It is a riddle that is hard to be explained. Thus, I considered it an indirect recommendation.

4- The Catcher in the Rye

This must be a special book. It was first recommended by my English teacher two years ago. I do not know why it took me that long to get it. I am so looking forward to reading it. It will be two years in no time since the last time I saw that teacher. I must say she was very dear. 

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These were the books I ordered (online through Jamalon). I do feel very delighted and pleased to see new beautiful books on my shelf. A very desirable pleasure that is. 

My username on Goodreads: mssajlouni.

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