Tuesday 3 June 2014

Recent Sky Shots

I like taking shots of nature, and skies are almost my favourite part in shooting, particularly when the weather is cloudy. Clouds seem as though they are translucent, and amalgamate with the rays of the sun, to form a sensational scene that fills one's essence.

Herein, I want to share some of my sky photos. Whether you have the kind of passion or you don't, enjoy! 

All photos are taken in Amman, Jordan. 

Friday 21 February 2014

My Books Outcome for this Month

I am reading and books passionate, and a book-collecting addict. I mainly enjoy reading in both Arabic and English. Books are unique happiness. I look up books on Goodreads and add them on my to-read shelf. Last month, I checked the shelf to order books, and what I happened to pick were four books that are:

1- The Sins of The Father

This is the second volume of The Clifton Chronicles by Jeffrey Archer. Its first volume is Only Time Will Tell. A very enjoyable and thrilling story that is written in a one uniquely beautiful style. 
Frankly, I got to know the book by coincidence when I was at the bookstore looking for some particular books. I remember I found nothing of what I had in mind, and so I was feeling desperate to buy anything when my eyes fell on Only Time Will Tell. The cover wasn't catchy, at least for me, but, the name was. I hesitated, then decided to buy it finally. I believe I was fortunate.

I've already started reading The Sins of the Father. Luckily, Sir Archer still writes in a bright style as much as he did in his first book. 

2- Best Kept Secret

The third volume of the Clifton Chronicles

3- The Time Keeper

I knew about this book through my Twitter feed; one of the persons whom I follow posted a photo of new books she recently bought, and The Time Keeper was among them. I thought I love anything to do with time. It is a riddle that is hard to be explained. Thus, I considered it an indirect recommendation.

4- The Catcher in the Rye

This must be a special book. It was first recommended by my English teacher two years ago. I do not know why it took me that long to get it. I am so looking forward to reading it. It will be two years in no time since the last time I saw that teacher. I must say she was very dear. 

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These were the books I ordered (online through Jamalon). I do feel very delighted and pleased to see new beautiful books on my shelf. A very desirable pleasure that is. 

My username on Goodreads: mssajlouni.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Random Pictures for My Sims

This is a blog particularly dedicated to my Sims. My previous holiday last January was filled with The Sims. Surely, it is a very enjoyable game. It's perfect and too easy to represent life, which explains why it is that enjoyable. Cook whatever amount of food you want, and you only get to wash the dishes , no pans, spoons, containers or anything of the kind. Making the bed doesn't take more than several seconds.. etc. 
Easy, see.

Frankly, I only played with one family, the Evans that is. All the family members were productive, and went far in their profession fields. And so, let me show you some shots I've taken for my sims (the Evans).

David Evans and Eva practising chess at Old Pier Beach.

Eva Evans ( a Special Agent).

Hazel Evans fishing.

Reading on the bench.

David Evans and his son Heinrich.

Hazel teaching Heinrich how to speak.

The grave of Hazel Evans.

Heinrich hugging the spirit of his mother.

Jane Evans the artist.

Quality time with Hazel.

That's it for the Sims. In the meantime, other games, such as Call of Duty and Stronghold, are on the line. Another two of my favourites besides The Sims. :)